
News & Insights

ESC Providing Army Public and Behavioral Health Research, Analysis and Operations Support

The U.S. Army Public Health Center (USAPHC) manages the full spectrum of activities and programs related to health promotion, wellness, behavioral health, and the prevention of disease, injury, and disability of Soldiers and military retirees, their Families, and Department of the Army civilian employees. ESC supports USAPHC across five (5) portfolios: Army Health Promotion and Wellness, Clinical Public Health & Epidemiology, Public Health Information, Health Risk Management, and Basic and Applied Research. ESC provides:

  • Program Managers/Project Officers/Trainers to support Health Promotion and Wellness Operations outreach activities
  • Statisticians/Applied Economists for program/project evaluation, applied research, statistical and data analysis support
  • Financial and Management Analysts for budgetary support

As part of this effort, ESC devised and implemented health promotion strategies and oversight of Army Health Promotion Operations.  ESC provided technical assistance and training (TA/T), and program management support for health promotion strategies in support of Army Health Promotion and Wellness (HPW) and Ready and resilient (R2) operations.  In this role, we helped develop policy guidance relating to health risk, behavioral health strategies, and executed outreach strategies and programs to Soldiers and military retirees, their Families, and Department of the Army civilian employees.

For more information or if you would like to become a part of public and behavioral health research and analysis activities, contact [email protected]